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Seems to be a bit of a stalemate, with perhaps a slight advantage to Democrats. Considering the controversy, often discussed disorder in the White House it can't be claimed as a Democrat success though. Certainly makes the next election an interesting one! Smith goes you have the Roman Reigns Fuck Cancer Shirt you can't hit the president. You can do zero you have no power just GOP had no power on Obama so DT will just play sake lines tactics as Obama during investigation Stalk evades ignore Invoke EP. You have no power no leverage you'll play that sake let's overthrow DT that the agenda witchhunts. You like GOP before you will accomplish Nothing.

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Almodovar Kenny Thank you! ^^ You buy a million dollar home and Roman Reigns Fuck Cancer Sweater to share your doorstep with a drug addict. It is 100%, not Orange County! elections sites opened 1 hr late. Voters prior to work left. Court order to extend till 8:00 pm. reported in early voting machines changing votes from @BetoORourke to Cruz but refused to fix. Just remember at least 48% voted against Cruz were counted. Fake win. running from Georgia for Governor looks like will go to a runoff in December. "It ain't over 'til it's over!" said beloved Baseball Legend Yogi Berra! I think it’s good to even things out a little bit. I don’t think either party should have complete control. I just hope it doesn’t cause bills to just sit while they bicker like Children.
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