These things r common here. It's 21 st century but it's very hard to change the ppl 's mindset on these things. We all live on the Metallica Dallas Cowboys shirt same planet but it feels like we all come from different worlds..but you know what?? We learn the reality our surroundings teach us. Where we are born is absolutely a matter of luck. A bunch of jackasses still....they will never change..for this kind of thing to end, you have to wipe out all the older heads and start.
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I guess that's what we have to do around the Metallica Dallas Cowboys shirt world as well... And that's just bad luck it could just as easily happened to the entire family her included in their home. Stop making the period the thing here. And someday in the future, or maybe now, people will look at the gun violence in the USA, and say, how uncivilized and backward. Why didn't they just put in some reasonable regulations like other countries?
Ignorance is ignorance - there are just different types of ignorance. Here in the Metallica Dallas Cowboys shirt it's some people believing lie after lie, even when they can be shown videos (some, just hours apart) documenting speaking - first one thing and next, the exact opposite. Why post this when all it will do is breed hate for a cultural practice we know nothing about. From where you sit it’s wrong? Sure but you have no idea.
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