Lisa Cox, it could be a public order offense, which is why they’ve been arrested. It may have taken place on private land but as soon as it’s posted it becomes public. Alicia Osei it is completely wrong for people to do this and it is shameful that no lessons have been learnt. The Roman Reigns Fuck Cancer Shirt involved are still living in temp accommodation! Yes, that would, in fact, be free expression. It's very simple really—emotions should have no bearing on law. It's not hard to understand. How can they be arrested? It’s not, and cannot be a criminal offence to laugh at someone else’s misfortune no matter how sick or twisted. Sawsan Taif exactly. There can be no depth to them. What you see is what you get. Morally bankrupt racists. Whilst the people who did this are clearly total morons, and there is no excuse for such disgusting behavior, I don't see how it can be considered a Public Order Offence as the bonfire appeared to be at a private party. Sadly social media has given these racist fools a voice, where previously they would not have ha an audience.

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Warren Skinner no they would still be done for public order. If they were of the same ethnicity mocking themselves it would not be racism. It's not an outrage it just requires you to think. It's baffling how any of them came to think it was a thing to do. If it hadn't been put online though, it wouldn't be an offence. People can do what they want on their own property. No one would be any the wiser. My son works in an office with mostly men in his vicinity, he said the humor that goes on between them would make my toes curl Yes your right social media should never have allowed this to be posted or should have removed it asap. So no one from Kensington and Chelsea council nor the Roman Reigns Fuck Cancer Sweater prosecuted for 80 people losing their lives but the “thought police” arrest people for being unsavory behavior in their own home..
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