There was a time when Filipinos tended to imitate Americans but when you see Ocasio-Cortez foxhunted, maybe things have turned the other way around. Max Al Khadi When you act like a dictator and have vigilantes killing anyone they claim is in the Grinch hand holding ornament apple Christmas sweater trade and being a total tyrant is going to be called what they are... a man unfit to lead a pack of wild kittens. Nexie Relampagos Roldanwhy don't we put him and Trump in a steel cage with weapons and just let them fight it out until both men can no longer leave. Journalists and news organizations aren't exempt from following laws, including tax laws. Journalists and organizations don't get to hide behind "freedom of the press" if they violate laws. You're not special. You're not above the law.

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Almost everyone in the Grinch hand holding ornament apple Christmas sweater is guilty of tax evasion. Whether it's true in this case is beside the point, it's clearly intimidation. Taxes are notoriously used by governments as a way to take down someone you want to get rid of and make it look legal... likely he'd rather just resort to a hit. Which is to say a poor view of the law nationally. Yes, I know how little regard many have of the law, which is part of why the place is messed up.
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