EU is fractured. GB leaving and leaving successfully will destroy what is left of the failed business agreement that is the My Patronus Is A Groot Shirt. Other EU countries are seeing the plight of the EU and what it is doing. Merkel already has quit and won't work in politics again, she knows she has screwed up and her country will follow suit. Yau Chun Huan have you not heard of civil wars? If you think not having borders will make a difference and it would stop any wars then you’re sadly mistaken. And if leave won again what would remain say then ..... best 3 out of 5 lol grow up we had a people vote and leave won... 

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please don’t try to make out that those who voted leave were not informed enough to make a decision that is exactly the attitude that sparked people into a left vote ... if remainders persist with this they will be surprised with the outcome. Well, since it appears that the promise of what the My Patronus Is A Groot Shirt would look like once it leaves the EU was false, perhaps now that the facts are in the people could have a real say...This is what happens when you run a campaign on dishonest fear-mongering and then get your wish. Yall got fooled. Hopefully, you'll realize what a mess Brexit caused and vote for Brentrance.
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