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So, I took the time to check the research. What they're actually looking at are a number of alleles that are unique only to Neanderthals and their descendants. It's not the share of the genome but specific identifiers that no others have. If it was shared among all humans, they wouldn't be unique, but this variable of up to 4% is referring to those identifiers. I live in Gibraltar. (The Rock). There are caves here with Neanderthal remains. So important that they have become a World Heritage site. While we talk of Neanderthal man, eight years before a male skeleton of the species was found preserved in the Neander Valley in Germany a female skeleton was found in a cave in Gibraltar but not publicised.
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More and more is being found as careful exploration continues here in Gibraltar. It is currently thought that that last place on earth Neanderthals lived was here, in Gibraltar before they became extinct as a purebred species. They are thought to have been assimilated into homo sapiens through interbreeding. .With 100% of my DNA attributed to 6 different African tribes, there appears that not a single trace is neanderthal. Also, I did notice that the video also mentions modern-day Africans have none.
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