BUY NOW: Deadpool sorry I'm late I had to walk my Unicorn shirt

I watched the movie, Selma, again today and cried. Alabama, have you learned nothing? Are you so rooted in ugliness you can't rise above hatred? I live in Australia and have been watching the hate and fear permeating the with horror. Genuine question - is this editorial just par for the course in Alabama or is it the result of Trump’s encouragement of the Deadpool sorry I'm late I had to walk my Unicorn shirt more vile aspects of society? Just another ploy by some Democrat to cast aspersions on our President Trump! This is all it is and looks at everybody sniping at each other! Pathetic!An old, white racist. He should be investigated to see if they can connect him to any lynchings decades ago. I guarantee he participated. He should face worse consequences than just losing his job.

Buy It: Deadpool sorry I'm late I had to walk my Unicorn shirt
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